Himalayan Salt promotes digestive health as it stimulates the Agni (digestive fire) for a healthy...
Manjishtadi Thailam promotes healthy blood circulation, especially for the healthy functioning of the neck and...
$8.99 $14.99
The pungent taste of Black Pepper Powder promotes regular digestion by boosting our metabolism and...
This Ayurvedic supplement stimulates the body’s natural toxin removal mechanism Neem benefits dermal health and...
$8.99 $14.99
It is an Ayurvedic supplement for gut health and regular bowel movements Psyllium Husk’s high-fiber...
It is an Ayurvedic supplement for colon health and liver health. It helps maintain healthy...
$22.99 $23.99
Pinda Thailam promotes healthy bones by providing vital nutrients for the nourishment It provides healthy...
$11.99 $13.99
This Ayurvedic supplement supports the active body and relieves occasional inflammation It boosts the body’s...
The cold potency and bitter taste of Ushira Powder promotes healthy Pitta in the body...
It serves as an Ayurvedic supplement for brain health It promotes the healthy functioning of...
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