Learn a powerful healing mantra from the Vedas that asks the divine to protect and promote us towards health and longevity.
Learn a powerful healing mantra from the Vedas that asks the divine to protect and promote us towards health and longevity.
A mantra that can bring peace and calmness to all the elements
of creation - space, air, fire, water, and earth.
The mantra reflects on these elements and
helps us find inner peace in our body, mind, and soul.
I’m going to teach you a chanting to awaken the grace of Guru in all of us.
It’s a very slow and a rhythmic chanting. It has got a profound meaning.
I'm going to teach you this beautiful chanting from Vedas. This chanting is not for me, not for you, but for everyone and everything that surrounds us. Because in Vedas we believe that it is everything and everyone is what makes me happy and live a long, healthy life. It takes about a minute, and also with the meaning, it gives a new dimension.
This chant is for offering the food. Ayurveda says body is a temple for the soul and food is its offering. So the meaning of this chanting is Brahma, the creator, the conscious creator in me is the one who is going to take this food. And Brahma, the creator himself is offering it. Creator himself is the appetite. Creator is going to take all of this and create my best. And that's why food needs to be an offering.
Let us motivate ourselves to move from falsehood to the truth
Let us move from dark to light
Let us all hold hands and move from death to immortality
Peace for my body
Peace in my mind
Peace always surrounding my soul