on October 29, 2024


April 5th, 2020

Why Mint is a Powerhouse for Gut Health

Your gut will thank you!

Are you looking to keep those gut bacteria, fungi, and viruses in check? Mint might just be the answer. This common herb has been used in cuisines worldwide for thousands of years, from Indian and Middle Eastern to Italian. Known for its antibacterial properties, mint supports a balanced gut environment.

Mint can help by increasing metabolism

In Ayurveda, mint is especially beneficial for people with a pitta constitution. When pitta is low, our digestive fire weakens, leading to undigested food that can ferment, causing gas and bloating. Mint can help by increasing metabolism at the gut level, assisting digestion, and releasing trapped vatta—the wind energy—alleviating discomfort. Vatas and pittas can especially benefit, though it’s also neutral for kaphas.

For maximum freshness and potency, enjoy mint fresh, as a tea, or in a homemade dip. Your gut will thank you!

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