What Are the Active Phytonutrients inside GugguluTiktaka Gritham?
Guggulu Tiktaka Gritham contains a large variety of active compounds that promote healthy skin and bones. The most important active constituents include alkaloids, aliphatics, glycosides, diterpenoid lactones, aliphatics, steroids, quercetin and ß-sitosterol, polyphenolic flavonoids, azadirachtin and genduran. The active compounds have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, thereby promoting skin and bone health. The combination of these phytochemicals is great for the skin and has a rejuvenating effect on the other vital organs of the body.
Other compounds in the herbal formulation of Guggulu Tiktaka Gritham include piperlongumine, sylvatin, diaeudesminpiperlonguminine, pipermonaline, and piperundecalidine