Ojokshaya And Rakta Dushti

Namaste and Welcome to Athreya’s Case Discussion Forum! Today we continue to discuss the case presented by Erica Muller of Okanagan Ayurveda. For Part I, please see the Episode - “MANO VIKARA and RAKTA VIKARA”. To recap, the Rogi (Patient) in this case is a 62-year-old female who is experiencing anxiety and panic attacks, as well as essential thrombocytosis and low iron. A suitable treatment plan is devised with DEEPANA PACHANA (Digestive/Carminative), SHAMANA (Dosha-pacifying) herbal formulations, as well as BRIMHANA (Nourishing) therapies and dietary changes.

In the second half of this 60-minute case study discussion episode, Ayurvedic Practitioner - Sonia Smith presents the case of a 15-year-old male Rogi with KAPHAJA TWAK VIKARA (Kapha-type skin condition). Born with Pyloric stenosis and continuing to live with poor pyloric valve regulation has resulted in excess KAPHA in the AMASHAYA (Stomach), creating a breeding ground for a fungal infection.

September 02, 2024 | 62 minutes 02 seconds.
By Vaidya. Jay Parla.