Pittaja Arthava Dushti and Athyarthava
This case study is presented by Anushree Ramakrishnan, who is a great supporter of Athreya!
The ROGI is 19 year old PITTA PRAKRUTI, college student who has been experiencing ARTHAVA DUSHTI due to PITTA PRAKOPA. In the history we learnt that diet at the dorm and the lifestyle at the college is burdening her APANA VATA and SAMANA VATA and majorly involving the PACHANKA PITTA.
The SANCHAYA and PRAKOPA of PITTA is seen to have settled in RASA and RAKTA DHATU and first showing MUKHA DOOSHIKA as primary complaint, then later involving ARTHAVA VAHA SROTHAS.
Currently the untimely and excessive menstrual bleeding has to be addressed with SRAMSANA of PITTA DOSHA from the KOSHTA, then facilitating SHEETA STAMBANA of RAKTA and ARTHAVA specific herbs.
In the forum we discuss about short term and long term protocols in a SANTARPANA UTPANNA VYADHI.
September 10, 2024 | 54 minutes 33 seconds.
By Vaidya. Jay Parla.