What Does Ayurveda Say About the Benefits of Senna Supplement for Colon Health & Natural Bowel Movements?
Senna plant has multiple names in Ayurveda, such as Markanika and Swarnapatri. The latter means ‘a golden petal’ in Sanskrit. Its name indicates that the Ayurvedic practitioners consider the benefits of Senna plant as one of Nature’s finest gifts.
It is primarily in use as an Ayurvedic supplement for colon health. Its herbal properties provide natural toxin removal support in the colon. It also aids in the elimination of Pitta heat. Both these actions promote healthy colon function.
Additionally, the health benefits of Senna are also useful for digestive health. The active nutrients present in senna help maintain regular bowel movements and support mobilizing stagnations and inconsistencies. Subsequently, this helps the body to maintain a healthy gut and metabolic rate.
Amongst the vital organs, consuming Senna powder is beneficial for liver and gallbladder health. This Ayurvedic herb supports liver care and promotes cell repair. It also aids gall bladder functioning by maintaining a healthy flow of secretions.
Collectively, the benefits of Senna helps users maintain healthy body weight and and fluid metabolism.
Apart from dietary benefits, this herb serves as a supplement for skin too. This active Ayurvedic herb decongests the skin and promotes skin health.
Overall, Senna is a nutrient-rich and highly beneficial Ayurvedic supplement. Its dry and light qualities effectively purge Pitta and balance out Vata dosha levels.