Aloe Vera is a succulent plant that is often given the status of the immortal plant. In Sanskrit, it is called Kumari, which translates to 'a young girl.' According to Ayurvedic practitioners Aloe vera is beneficial in promoting the health of young girls and especially useful when they start their menstrual cycle. The transparent substance that is found in the interior of the plant has many health benefits. These include skin health, liver health, and healthy aging.
Athreya Herbs carefully processes the plant to preserve its natural qualities and elevates its potency in their Kumari Powder.
Our herbal supplement promotes liver health. It has a natural hydrating effect, which helps the liver maintain healthy levels of moisture. In addition to that, the supplement provides vital nutrients for the regular functioning of the liver. Maintaining liver health supports various other organs, such as the stomach and intestine. It also promotes natural blood purification.
Furthermore, it encourages regular bowel movement. With regular use, it has a soothing effect on the colon, which stimulates its healthy functioning and natural bowel movement. This supports the health of the digestive system and helps the body naturally flush out toxins from the body.
The natural nutrients present in the supplement, along with the healthy elimination of toxins within the liver and blood, promote complete rejuvenation of the skin and hair as well. The body naturally eliminates free radicals that accumulate under the skin. It leads to naturally smooth and clear skin. Similarly, the supplement's neutralizing effects help maintain a healthy pH balance on the scalp to promote healthy hair growth and quality.
Kumari Powder encourages menstrual health by maintaining regular menstrual cycles. It also aids in maintaining natural hormone levels in the body. It has certain properties which support oral health as well. It helps the body produce healthy immune responses against the occasional buildup of bacteria in the mouth. Moreover, it boosts the immune system and maintains healthy cholesterol levels as well.
The supplement helps pacify all three doshas, but it specifically balances the Pitta dosha for optimal health and wellbeing.