Healthy Iron (Punarnava Mandur)

An Ayurvedic Herbal Supplement For Blood Building Support & Iron Replenishment

A plant-based iron supplement curated by Vaidya Jay to enhance blood quality and iron absorption.

  • It helps improve liver health and supports blood formation.
  • It promotes healthy energy levels by maintaining an optimal iron supply. 
  • It facilitates blood building, binding, circulation, and supply.
  • It ensures that ‘Prana’ or lifeforce reaches all parts of our body.
  • Since it contains iron in its natural form it is not constipating.

Benefits & Features

A plant-based iron supplement curated by Vaidya Jay to enhance blood quality and iron absorption.

  • It helps improve liver health and supports blood formation.
  • It promotes healthy energy levels by maintaining an optimal iron supply. 
  • It facilitates blood building, binding, circulation, and supply.
  • It ensures that ‘Prana’ or lifeforce reaches all parts of our body.
  • Since it contains iron in its natural form it is not constipating.

Suggested Use

  • Take 1-2 capsules, twice daily with water, or as directed by your health practitioner.
  • Please consult your physician before the use of this product if you are pregnant, nursing, on medication, or have a medical condition.
  • Do not use it if the seal is broken. Store it in a cool and dry place. Keep out of the reach of children.


What Does Ayurveda Say About Healthy Iron’s Herbal Ingredients For Blood Building & Iron Replenishment?

It is well-known in Ayurvedic science that blood health plays a crucial role in supporting energy and enhancing the health of all our organs. It is the means through which we are supplied oxygen, nutrients from our food, and 'Prana’ (life force) to each part of our body. The iron in blood represents the natural element of ‘Earth’ and aids in binding ‘Prana’ to the blood tissue.

Punarnava Mandur is a traditional Ayurvedic formula used for centuries to help with natural blood production by supplementing sufficient iron. This formula has Mandura (aged iron dust), a pure form of iron harvested from natural deposits found on Earth and easy for the body to absorb and assimilate. Combined with the fresh herbal juice of the blood-building herb Punarnava, it acts as a synergizing catalyst to support the digestive system and metabolism.

Which natural phytonutrients are found in Healthy Iron Capsules?

Healthy Iron contains various enriching bioactive phytonutrients such as flavonoids, glycosides, alkaloids, saponins, sterols, phenolic acids, and polysaccharides. It also consists of natural minerals such as ferric oxide and a silicate of ferric oxide whose combined antioxidants encourage healthy blood function and possess rejuvenating abilities for the mind and body.

Why Should You Choose Healthy Iron for Natural Iron Supplementation Support?

Athreya harvests Punarnava from tropical and high-altitude regions of India and Amalaki from the Himalayan regions for its nourishing qualities. By using traditional formulating techniques we aim to preserve the herb's natural properties. It preserves the active nutrients in the herbs to penetrate deep into the tissues and essential organs of the body.

We collaborate with farmers and suppliers who follow our guided instructions while cultivating Ayurvedic herbs. They do not use any toxic chemicals or pesticides during the harvest and processing period.

Our Ayurvedic experts (Vaidyas, traditionally trained in India) carefully curate herbal ingredients to formulate an all-natural blend that promotes optimal health. They do this by only choosing ethically wildcrafted and active ingredients.
Even though we source these ingredients from India, we process them in the USA. 
Our meticulous sourcing increases the quality of the ingredients and the effectiveness of the supplementation.

Our experienced professionals only use the purest natural form of whole herbs. We also ensure that there are no traces of any artificial fillers, excipients, herbal extracts, binding agents, or added chemicals in the supplement. This allows us to provide you with whole foods with our traditional Ayurveda products.

Besides this, we perform several quality assurance tests before the packaging and shipping of our products.

It’s only here that you’ll find a traditional Healthy Iron supplement for natural iron-binding capacity, improved energy, and general physiological resilience against illness, to help enrich your body and mind as practiced for millennia in Ayurveda.

What should you take Healthy Iron with?

The best way to consume Healthy Iron pills is with an Anupana (Ayurvedic carrier substance) that acts as a vehicle to transport the herbs within the body, ensuring proper assimilation, and optimal effectiveness. The herb becomes more potent when you take it with the right Anupana. 

The best Anupana for Healthy Iron would be warm water after food. 
It is suitable for all body types and balances all doshas.

Supplement Facts

Serving Size - 1-2 capsules per day
Servings Per Container - Typically lasts 1 month
Red Hogweed root (Punarnava) Boerhavia diffusa, Indian Jalap (Trivrith) Operculina turpethum, Ginger root (Shunti) Zingiber officinale, Black Pepper (Maricha) Piper nigrum, Long Pepper fruit (Pippali) Piper longum, Embelia fruit (Vidanga) Embelia ribes, Himalayan Cedarwood (Devaduru) Cedrus deodara, Ceylon Leadwort root (Chitraka) Plumbago zeylanica, Indian Costus root (Kusta) Saussurea lappa, Turmeric root (Haridra) Curcuma Longa, Chebulic Myrobalan fruit (Haritaki) Terminalia chebula, Belleric Myrobalan fruit (Bibhitaki) Terminalia bellerica, Indian Gooseberry fruit (Amalaki) Embelica officinalis, Red Physic nut (Danti) Baliospermum montanum, Java Long Pepper root (Chavya) Piper Retrofractum, Kutaja seeds (lndrayava) Holarrhena antidysenterica, Picrorhiza root (Kutki) Picrorhiza kurroa, Long Pepper root (Pippalimula) Piper longum Linn, Nut grass root (Musta) Cyperus rotundus, Crabs claw (Karkataka shringi) (Pistacia integerrima), Cumin seed (Jeeraka) Cumin cyminum, Carom seeds (Ajwain) Trachyspermum ammi, Aged Iron Dust (Mandura bhasma) Ferric oxide, Bovine lent (Gomuthra) qs.

This product is Vegan-certified. Free of gluten, soy, peanuts, GMOs, and preservatives. Manufactured in a facility that processes tree nuts. It is also tested for purity from heavy-metal levels by trusted third-party laboratories.

Traditionally Blended Healthy Iron

The Ayurvedic Properties of Healthy Iron

Part used – Fruits, Roots, Seeds, Minerals
Quality (Guna) – Dense and Compact
Potency (Veerya)– Warm
Action on Doshas – Balances All Doshas

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