Menopause Care

Menopause Care

October 21, 2022

Are You In That Phase Of Your Womanhood?
Typically occurring after the age of 45, many women go through an often tumultuous physical, emotional, and mental upheaval, as their hormonal makeup transitions to the next stage of their life.

Yes, we are talking about menopause.

How Does Ayurveda Define Menopause?

From a biological standpoint, it marks the phase in a woman’s life when her monthly period cycle stops as the ovaries suspend the production of estrogen and progesterone meant to facilitate the creation of eggs for reproduction. In Ayurveda, it is best described as a dosha (bioenergy) transition from the fiery Pitta dosha tasked with the hefty role of transformation to the dry Vata dosha responsible for circulation. This fire-to-wind elemental transition can cause physiological imbalances such as a hastened thyroid gland and metabolism, causing weight gain, digestive turbulence, night sweats, disturbing thoughts, hot flashes, erratic mood swings, hair fall, insomnia, and even anxiety.


How To Ensure A Smooth Hormonal Transition According To Ayurveda?

Menopause is a defining moment for all women at a physical and mental level, where they are provided the opportunity to age gracefully with a wise demeanor instead of one with painful embitterment. In order to segue smoothly into middle age, Ayurveda can help soften the impact of the common discomforts that come with menopause. This begins with calming the effects of the imminent Vata dosha and dwindling Pitta dosha using a few essential lifestyle modifications. The core unifying aspect that tames Pitta and Vata is hydrating or lubricating foods and drinks. Remember, the path to easing hormonal distress, dry skin, metabolic malfunction, and more begins in your second brain - your gut.

Here is a simple Ayurvedic routine that you can shuffle around according to your lifestyle so your menopause journey is as comfortable as possible.

  1. Wake up right before sunrise so you can catch enough sunlight to regulate your melatonin levels and drink some warm water on an empty stomach.
  2. Wake up right before sunrise so you can catch enough sunlight to regulate your melatonin levels and drink some warm water on an empty stomach. 
  3. Include some light exercises such as swimming, walking, yoga, tai chi, and just basking in nature to help your body unwind and stimulate the flow of your ‘Prana’ (life force). 
  4. Start by countering the dryness that comes with Vata’s menopause effects by doing coconut oil pulling before brushing your teeth. 
  5. Curb menopause’s dehydrating effects by adding a teaspoon of hemp seeds to your breakfast.
  6. Stay hydrated with coconut water, lemon juice with honey, vegetable, and fruit juices to keep that menopause dry spell at bay. 
  7. Known to be Vata imbalance’s herbal nemesis, drinking some fresh Shatavari juice or powder with milk, ghee, coconut sugar, jaggery or maple syrup can keep your bones strong and body tissues moisturized inside out. 
  8. Include whole spices such as coriander, cardamom, fennel, black cumin, and cumin powder, in your diet to cleanse your uterus and give your ovaries a healthy helping hand.
  9. Morph your diet with nourishing meals such as soups, stews, and broths, typically using high-fiber foods especially dark, leafy greens such as kale, spinach, broccoli, Swiss chard, arugula, watercress, and amaranthus for easier digestion, essential mineral absorption, and proper elimination.
  10. Adding healthy fats of Omega 3 and Omega 6 through coconut, almonds, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, and the like, can lubricate the cogs of your cognitive health, manage a healthy weight, and keep your cells from drying out. Triphala (made from Haritaki, Bibhitaki, and Amlaki) is another excellent daily supplement to facilitate the absorption of healthy fats and strike a balance between the Pitta and Vata doshas.
  11. Fill the gaps in your day to relax with some rejuvenating Tulsi (Holy Basil) Tea to keep your immune health nimble.
  12. Fortify your bones and body’s structures with the hormonal balancing herbs of Saraca Indica or Ashoka tonic, Vidarikanda, or Ipomoea Digitata.
  13. Have dinner a little after sunset (say 7 p.m.) and avoid greasy or heavy meals before going to bed.
  14. Massage your body with some Shatavari-based oil called Mahanarayana Thailam (Oil) and your face with some Kumkumadi Thailam (Saffron Oil) to sustain your skin’s youthful elasticity, keep those aging lines in check, and get that natural glow.
  15. Apply a thin layer of coconut oil on your vulva before going to bed.
  16. Allocate some time for meditation and deep breathing exercises to pop those trapped stress bubbles and induce sleep naturally.
  17. Sleep at least three hours after sunset to beat sleeplessness, get optimal restfulness, maintain a steady circadian rhythm, and wake up energized.
  18. Massage your scalp with Brahmi oil to stimulate hair growth and calm your mind.


Vaidya Jay

Vaidya Tip:

A universal recommendation by most vaidyas (Ayurvedic practitioners) for comprehensive nourishment would be to consume a spoonful of Chyavanprash (a traditional Ayurvedic herbal jam) every day to cover all the bases of your health and build resilience.

Give Me My Ammo To Manage Menopause

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