How to Naturally Boost Your Immune System

How to Naturally Boost Your Immune System

October 25, 2019

The immune system is really a combination of proteins, cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect us from disease. When this defense system becomes weak, we are more susceptible to developing illness. The good news is that there are many options that you can choose from to take a holistic approach to your immune system health.


Boost It with Food

Chances are that your kitchen contains more than one immune-boosting food. We all know citrus fruits are high in Vitamin C, but so is the spinach that might be sitting in your refrigerator. These are both bonus veggies. They boost immunity and keep skin and eyes healthy with their beta carotene content.

Garlic is yet another immune booster. This ancient food contains high doses of allicin, which fights viruses. Ginger root is a great benefit to overall health and, thanks to its gingerol content, offers a powerful anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting punch.

Almonds contain loads of Vitamin E, which is crucial for fighting infection. Not only that, but only a handful is needed to get your recommended daily amount. Blueberries contain antioxidants which help the immune system in your respiratory tract. Of course, these are only a few of the incredible foods that can protect you from getting sick.


Boost It with Supplements

Some people prefer to take immune system supplements instead of eating certain foods. Here, too, there are many options. If you can’t handle the fermented taste of kefir, for example, there are probiotics you can take to repopulate your gut with healthy bacteria.

There are also several herbs for your immune system available. Heart-leaved moonseed or Guduchi is used in Ayurvedic medicine to support healthy immune systems and to help other organs stay healthy after damage from stress or other factors.


Boost It with Habits

There are many healthy habits you can adopt which boost your immune system naturally. Laughing, singing, and exercising are great examples. Self-care is also instrumental in helping your body fight infection. This means getting plenty of rest, reducing your stress, and setting aside time just for you.


Look for Signs of Deficiency

Woman Looking at a Lake Living a Healthy LifestyleFeeling depressed or experiencing brain fog can both be symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency. Get your blood tested yearly to make sure your levels are healthy. If they aren’t, a liquid vitamin D supplement can help.

If your muscles are feeling weak or you’re experiencing problems with your vision, you may not be getting enough vitamin E. Here again, taking foods high in vitamin E or a supplement can help you ward off infectious diseases. If your gums bleed during teeth brushing, or you’re getting frequent nosebleeds, you may need more Vitamin C in your diet.

Athreya Herbs provides Ayurvedic herbs and formulations for optimal wellness. Using only the highest quality ingredients, our range of products support lifelong health and happiness. View our range of immune system supplements online, or contact us at (323) 909-2981. Let’s all be healthy!

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