"Life-giving Rakta Dhatu or Blood tissue - Seven body tissue series" by Tiffany Ornelas

Ayurveda has seven primary Dhatus known as Sapta Dhatus: Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Meda, Asthi, Majja, and Sukra. An understanding of the seven dhatus is important to understanding pathology; what goes wrong in the body. They actively support the body's structure and function, which benefits both physical and psychological health. Nourishment is important for all seven Dhatus.

Today, we will discuss Rakta, the second Dhatu. Rakta Dhatu refers to the primary fire of the body. When Rasa is combined with Ranjaka Pitta, Rakta is formed. Let’s introduce the concept of Rakta Dhatu.

January 11, 2022 | 53 minutes 35 seconds.
By Vaidya. Jay Parla

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Rakta Dhatu

Tiffany - Hello to the listeners of the Athreya herbs podcast where we cover fundamental concepts on Ayurveda medicine. This is an initiative to spread the knowledge on Ayurveda living for families and communities everywhere. One of the essential topics that we will be going over today is part two of the Dhatu series, where we cover each of the seven tissues in the body. Last time we covered Rasa which is known as plasma and now we will be talking about the second Dhatu in the cascade Rakta, otherwise known as blood. To help guide us in our learning we have Vaidya Jay Gopal Parla. Namaste!

Vaidya -Namaste, Tiffany I am so excited that we are slowly introducing a topic at a time to our listeners and this is a great time to introduce the concept or understanding of blood to all our listeners. I’m really looking forward to this Tiffany.

Tiffany- Yeah same here. I mean it’s pretty essential to know a lot of the basic elements that form the Ayurvedic complex- how bodies function. I believe with Rakta being the next in line after Rasa, bringing all the nutrients to the rest of the body is pretty important to understand.

Vaidya - Yeah so we learnt in the last podcast that Rasa is a sense of all the nutrition that we have derived from the food we consumed and now the next one Rakta is even more essential because as you know it is the carrying Dhatu or the liquid Tissue, that is penetrating and distributing into all parts of the body to give one thing that is life force. That’s what makes it the Dhatu Rakta or Tissue blood. It could be so important for Ayurveda- health maintenance as well as correcting the imbalances.

Tiffany - That is great so to start off with my first question based on what you said, can you help our listeners understand from an Ayurvedic perspective what Rakta is, where it comes from, How it moves, and everything? 

Vaidya - Of course, Rakta is made out of the influence of two elements. There is water element which among the five elements is the primary because it’s fluid, it flows, can spread, it irrigates all these characteristics come from the water element but another interesting and conjoining factor for water is the fire element that maintains its temperature, is responsible for its colour, vigour  and everything comes from the fire principle. The two elements water and fire that are circulating together with the material that is manifested as blood so that is the material manifestation. In the relative sequence of how these Dhatus are formed, we have talked about it in the last podcast but I still would like to give our listeners a very interesting sequence in which the dhatus or the tissues get formed in the body. After the Rasa is formed from the food nutrition, it is contributing to the formation of the Rakta. Lymph or the lymphatic nutritional fluid gets the nutrition and then gradually shifts itself or transforms itself into the Rakta so in this process Ayurveda says that there is a type of Pitta or the bio energy that is responsible for transformation. It is called Ranjaka Pitta. The word Ranjaka is unique, it means colouring so this pitta is responsible for taking the nutritional substance that has no colour and adding on to the material formation of Rakta by giving the essential pigmentation for the blood. That's why Ranjaka Pitta present in the gastrointestinal tract is very concentrated in the liver, gallbladder, stomach where Ranjaka Pitta is located. It’s called Rasa Ranjanak that means it takes the Rasa and helps it to transform and give its colour, form, and the fiery nature for it to move like blood in the body. If you remember from the last introduction to Rasa, Rasa is made from the water element but it also has Earth element to it. In case of Ratha it still has the water element But the earth element is replaced by fire so that is the difference of how it gradually support each other or even transform each other. It’s said that rasa and it’s essential nutrients in a major quantity will go towards Rakta by the influence of the Ranjaka Pitta. It's like a cooking process you take milk and boil it, the milk will get condensed and it becomes condensed milk. Similarly the Rasa is considered as milk and then something that is condensed or a bit more yellowish in color(incomplete sentence) and gets its own colour when you look at the condensed milk so that is what is happening with the influence of  Ranjaka Pitta the Rasa converts into Rakta. That is the process of formation or in the physiological way how the Rakta is getting generated in the body. It has a regulating system as well- it has its own channel, organs that regulate it, and it is capable of maintaining itself by taking the nutrition and supplementing itself. The nutrition is essentially coming from the Rasa Dhatu.

Tiffany - And to touch on that I like that you said that it comes from the water element and the fire element but previously because Rasa was earth and water and that gets down the cascade of the flow. The water created is part of the Rakta. Also fire because every Dhatu as it’s own Agni. It pretty much would be safe to say that is why blood is red and unctuous, That is because of the fire and water element.

Vaidya - Yes you rightly pointed out the qualities that the Rakta has it is Sara that means it spreads, it is Drava liquid it flows, and it is also Visra that means somewhat like having a characteristic smell and taste to it. Most of our listeners will have a little sense of how blood has its own odour to it. The odour is called Visra and because of these qualities, it can diffuse in between the tissues and become very slippery. Of course as you pointed out, warmth or heat is the inseparable quality of Rakta.

Tiffany - Right and so the physical and the metaphysical expressions of Rakta is why we see the hotness being expressed in different parts of the body like the tongue, lips, and sometimes the eyes.

Vaidya - This will be intriguing to our listeners that in Ayurveda we do have Vata, Pitta, and Kapha body types, there is no question as everybody who knows a little bit about Ayurveda knows this. People ask about what body type they belong to and try to figure out which Dosha is dominant. There is another layer to this – the classical textbooks also give out Dhatu Saara Purusha which means people with a dominance of one Dhatu. The Rakta Dhatu predominant naturally with a lot of Rakta in them, they tend to have the qualities that you were just referring to. The lips are very bright red in colour, the cheeks are red, the nails are extremely pinkish in colour and so are the eyes. The lips, tongue, the eyes are dominant with this reddish colour because wherever the blood is it is the colour of unmistakable striking appearance. That's why whenever you see the red light you are to stop. Red is actually coming from the blood because as humans or as our primitive recognition of this colours we read red as a colour of caution. It  is a striking colour and anybody who comes across the colour red they know that they have to be cautious or simply stop doing something and pay attention. That's what the Rakta does. At the surgeon's office or barber shops they have the red, white, and blue stripes everywhere. These actually represent the circulation- the red is for the arteries and blue for the veins. Even the American flag that has the stripes actually represents the colour of blood and the sacrifice to build this country. Red that comes from the Ranjaka Pitta, Pitta in general obviously has a strong and very clear expression. The Rakta dominant people tend to have the Pitta quality as well. Like you said people can be dominant of blood tissue and they are also prone to certain diseases. We’ll talk about these diseases later when we continue to introduce to our listeners the in-depth knowledge of what blood tissue is.

Tiffany – Thank you, that was a nice fact that I learned about the American flag as I had no idea. In regards to the major functions of Rakta that you touched on, can you expand on Jeevanam?

Vaidya - Alright, Jeevanam, Jeeva means life or connectivity or continuity. So for life to exist and continue we need oxygen even though it just enters into our lungs and from there the cells in my brain should receive that oxygen. The ancient sages or Masters of Ayurveda recognised the need of the oxygen and the life force itself. The oxygen is physically present but along with oxygen comes the life force which is Jeeva or prana. The prana which is coming into the lungs has to be distributed to every cell of the body and every cell is looking forward to this life force. The life force is taken from the lungs and distributed to all the cells by the Rakta. The word Jeevanam as we know means to continue this flow from the external life force that is surrounding or present abundantly around us. The descent of the life force into the lungs is performed by the Prana Vata but the distribution is done by Rakta. Without it the life force cannot extend into every part of the body. That's why the great Acharyas or the sages of ayurveda said that the function of the blood is quintessential for survival without it the survival is not possible.

Tiffany - It helps maintain the constituents of blood like oxygen, Haemoglobin, and circulation? 

Vaidya - Yes those are all the physical entities because Ayurveda always looks at the physical then it goes into the energetic aspect. Physically the Rakta carries the haemoglobin but in the sense of carrying the Jeeva or the prana, is the Rakta itself.

Tiffany - What are some common symptoms experienced when there is too much Rakta in the body?

Vaidya - In the process of generating an imbalance, there are two distinct schools of Ayurvedic medicine. One is school of internal medicine and the other one is the school of surgery. Even though there are 8 branches of ayurveda, these two are very dominant and prominent branches. Even today in contemporary medicine we see general practice amongst surgery. These two exist as primarily serving the society. talking about 4000-5000 years ago a division of general practice and surgery occurred. In the branch of surgery which is the school of Dhanvantri thought, the blood is so important for making sure the surgery is successful and whether the toxins or disease causative factors have accumulated in the body. They take the abode of blood and consider blood as the fourth Dosha. The blood is so quick to get into an abnormal state, that it should be considered as the fourth Dosha. The school of surgery believes there are four doshas namely Vata, Pitta, Kapha, and Rakta. The blood should be considered as the fourth Dosha so that is an interesting thought because it is so quick to get afflicted by the imbalance. So to answer your question, Tiffany. Because of the imbalance of the Rakta or the blood we see diseases or imbalances that come from the toxicity of Rakta.

Some skin conditions come from Rakta vitiation, some examples of skin conditions are Hives, Shingles, Erysipelas, where the blood is involved with it and you see a distinct red burning type of manifestation. It can be any burning sensation like a heat stroke. Even though it is coming from Pitta, but they take abode of Rakta and when it gets into an abnormal state it cannot contain itself in its own channels so it will start oozing. The most of the bleeding conditions like nasal bleeding, bleeding bowel movements, urinary or menstrual excessive blood flow having excessive blood flow conditions come from Rakta than any infective origins, if there is a sudden rise in the temperature, reddish discolouration or discharge it’s also seen as vitiation of Rakta. When Rakta becomes abnormal, it quickly causes a symptomatology or signs that are strongly toxic.

Tiffany - You touched on a question that I’m going to ask in a bit related to a woman’s health issues. When the symptoms increase, how they can relate to further diseases. Before we get to that, how about if there is a decrease or too little Rakta, what kind of symptoms would be seen there?

Vaidya - Yes, of course if the Rakta is deficient the first thing that one would feel is lack of temperature or cold hands or feet even to an extent that they feel that their head is feeling empty or almost a draining effect on the head because it is not getting enough blood supply. The skin will become very dry, hair will become dry or people may start losing hair, nails will become brittle and crack or chip off. These are the things taking place externally that we see. Internally there is a condition called Pandu in ayurveda, Pandu means bloodlessness comparable to anaemia. This Condition comes when the blood is deficient and in other conditions where the blood is not able to reach out to major organs like the liver will be getting depleted so that will be one of the symptoms. Our listeners should know that for the blood to be healthy the liver has to be healthy. The liver is a regulating organ for the blood and the blood is purified, stored, and restored by the liver on a daily basis but if the liver is abnormal or the blood is deficient then the liver will become abnormal as well. So the conditions of yellowish discolouration sometimes may either be excess or deficiency of blood you will see that the liver is involved. The liver conditions can be seen because of blood deficiency diseases. 

Tiffany - I was actually thinking of jaundice when you touched on the increased symptoms, since that is something I've seen in people and patients before.

Vaidya - That’s true because first it would start as bloodlessness and anaemia and gradually the patient progresses into a liver condition. That is a very common pathogenesis in ayurveda.

Tiffany - During the process you kind of describe the flow with every chemical action or a biochemical action that occurs in our system when we have the byproducts like the secondary tissues the upadhatus and the malas or waste product, describe a bit of that I know Pitta is actually one of the malas that is why it is so highly associated with the Rakta.

Vaidya - Once the normal function of blood is going on and the blood is constantly bringing the Prana to all the tissues and keeping them alive, also properly functioning and to their optimal Energy levels. All the tissues receive that and some of the byproducts or bi-nutrients that are present in the blood will also contribute to the to Upadhatus that means secondary tissues that get formed from the blood and are dependent on the blood. There are also very essential structures of the body. So the first one is Sira which means venous vessels where the blood is returning or also made out of the nutrition that’s coming from the blood. If somebody has prominent veins or varicose veins, Ayurveda considers that the blood is vitiated or abnormal. Sira or the veins are formed by the support of Rakta. Second thing is Khandara.The word refers to tendons and ligaments. They are lubricated and maintained by the nutrition that is present in the blood so any issues with the tendons like the shortening of the tendons  or inflammation or inflammation of the soft tissue and the ligaments that are attaching the bones together. So for our listeners I am going to explain what are tendons and ligaments. So they can relate to these structures in a better way. The first one is tendons; it is the end part of the muscle that attaches the muscle to the bone whereas the ligament is an elastic structure that supports and connects the bones together, and holds the joints together. These two structures are supported by the blood, by the supplementation of its nutrients.

Tiffany - So would it be safe to say that if our listeners experience any issue with these areas of the tendons, fascia, blood vessels that are probably related to the Rakta.

Vaidya - Yes so then they have to change the nutrition, diet, and herbs can be supplemented to bring back the blood into the normal state which in turn helps these structures and Mala or the waste product of the Rakta. In the case of pitta what happens is Rakta after circulating and finishing all its due functions, it is left with maybe a concentrated amount of Rakta which has exhausted itself from the functioning. This reminiscence or byproduct of the normal blood contributes to Pitta. It goes into the liver and gets broken down to form this greenish colour fluid or secretion that comes out of the liver is called as Pitta so the waste product or the byproduct of Rakta is Pitta and when it is formed it takes a board of Ratha. It is also physiologically needed for supporting the body and comes to the blood again because of the similarity in its quality. It circulates through the blood and then finally gets eliminated through the blood through bowel, urine, and sweat.

Tiffany - That makes sense to your point earlier about the Ranjaka Pitta located in the liver and spleen.

Vaidya - Yes the liver, spleen, and the stomach area so that is where it is located.

Tiffany - To kind of go back to some of the common Rakta diseases, especially the ones that are related to women’s health. Can you expand a little bit on what is going on in the dysmenorrhea,  amenorrhea, and the other types of diseases. Do those be constituted under Rakta vitiation or not? 

Vaidya - They can be indirectly considered as a Rakta vitiation the interesting process here is that the rasa which is now formed from the good nutrition that we took, is getting converted into Rakta in the liver where Ranjaka Pitta is majorly concentrated and the Rasa turns into this red coloured body fluid or tissue that is Rakta. The somewhat similar process is happening in the uterus as well where Rasa or the lymphatic fluid comes in that is stored in the uterus and with the presence of a specific Pitta that is located but has no name given to it. It will convert it into Rakta as well so that all the lymphatic fluid that comes into the uterus stays there for the embryo or conceived embryo or fetus to come in and then lodge. if it is not conceived then all the blood starts flowing out as menstrual flow. There is a similarity in the process of generation of menstrual flow or menstrual blood as well as normal blood in the liver. Indirect blood or flow condition is connected indirectly to the blood because the liver function reflects on to the function of the uterus so, if one has to have healthy cycles they have to have a healthy liver as well. Excessive or painful flow or lack thereof. All of these have to do with the general blood function and the conversion of Rakta from Rasa.

Tiffany - What would you say is the cause of excess menstruation?

Vaidya - There are many underlying causes since we are talking about the Rakta. It is sometimes the vessels or channels that are bringing the nutrition to the uterus so if they become too wide when the Pitta is in excess in the Rakta, it will start opening the narrow channels by dilating them. A lot of blood starts coming towards the uterus and dilates the vessels that are meant for just the Rasa flow to bring the nutrition. Instead of Rasa coming in them. The Rakta dilates them and starts flowing through these small channels, expanding them where a person will feel gushing of the blood or the excessive flow of blood. In Ayurveda we call this condition as a Rakta-Pitta. It means that Pitta with its excessive heat and Rakta with its fluid quality will start gushing through the uterus so that’s one of the major conditions where excessive blood flow in the menstrual cycle can take place. 

Tiffany - In a more general sense for Rakta Dhatu, what would you say are some of the common causes for Sroto dushti. In regards to the lifestyle or diet, what are those common causes?

Vaidya - That’s a very important thing, so what disturbs the blood? The disturbance to the blood could be because of whatever is responsible for aggravating the Pitta. If somebody eats really spicy food, drinks a lot of alcohol, and eats at an irregular time especially at lunchtime or even  taking too many pickles, chilies, and fermented food which are very acidic in nature. The salty food also can disturb the blood, all these excessive pitta aggravating foods can also impact the Rakta and once the is abnormal it will start working in a negative fashion in the liver itself. So the liver which is the sroto moola the main regulating organ of the blood. If that is disturbed it will start disturbing the entire channel of the blood carrying vessels. When these get disturbed then the blood will start stagnating and the first thing that you will notice is either excessive flow or reversal of flow or even pooling of the blood. These are the 3 things, like if somebody is having reddish discolouration and swelling of the feet then Ayurveda considers that the blood isn’t working well, or if somebody is having the reddish discolouration or purplish discolouration or bluish discolouration of the fingers and toes then we consider the blood to be abnormally affected. The channels get clogged or constricted where the blood is flowing or the channel gets dilated and swell so both of these symptoms will be seen where the blood is involved. The other thing that is interesting is the heat, or the redness, or the angry looking nature of blood is unmistakable so it may be in the joint or a simple example would be the nail bed infection. If the nail bed is infected that’s very classic and everyone will know how a nail bed infection would look. The area is very swollen and red with pus formation (whitish) where the blood and the Rakta are cooking things inside and that is seen as part of this phenomena. There is pus oozing, reddish discolouration, heat, a fever, the fever goes up so high in the condition that the person will go into a delirious state, or start hallucinating, and have incoherent speech or if it is extreme they will start fainting such things will happen if the Rakta is extremely disturbed in its own channel.

Tiffany - It makes sense so pretty much if you know if you increase things that would aggravate your Pitta especially with you know the taste of Pitta which is salty, sour, and pungent. Pretty much consuming these things you know would also create some of these issues and then even exposure to too much sun.

Vaidya - Any form of heat has a few important things like sometimes doing too much of hot yoga can also disturb your blood or too much sunbathing can also disturb your blood. The classical text books of Ayurveda clearly mention that things that are hot in nature like consumption of too much fish vinegar or alcohol can disturb the integrity of the blood.

Tiffany - So what are some common herbs that would help balance the Rakta?

Vaidya - The most simple and the most effective one is to keep our Rakta under control on a daily basis by using some spices such as coriander, cumin. Cumin is a great spice to have for improving the blood health and apart from these the coriander and cumin can be used to spice up your lentil soup or it can be used for making rice with cumin or something like that can be incorporated but as far as the classical Ayurvedic herbs are concerned we are looking at an herb called as Anantamul. We talked about it in the rasa segment as well along with that there is a bright red coloured herb called Manjistha that looks like blood itself, it’s another interesting and important herb in Ayurveda for blood conditions or to keep the blood flowing in normal state in the blood vessels.It is Manjistha, it is also called Rubia. The word Rubia refers to ruby colour, Cardiffolia means with a heart shaped leaf. The root of this in Sanskrit is known as Manjistha. It is another very powerful blood tonic along with Amalaki. We have talked about Amalaki so many times that’s why according to Ayurveda if somebody has anaemia or lack of blood we suggest a chyawanprash as a supplement. The main ingredient in it is Amalaki and triphala which is a super tonic for both the organ that regulates the Rakta, the liver as well as the Rakta itself to flow freely and we can supplement Triphala on a daily basis. Another herb called Bhringraj is also a hair tonic and helps with liver function that is also great for the blood. These are the things that work directly on the blood whereas some of them which work on the Yakrut or liver can also be used. They include the bitter herbs like Bhunimba, or Bhumiamalaki that can be supplemented if the root organ that regulates the blood is not functioning. For instance if somebody has a bit of swollen, Kapha type of liver, they have found fat in their liver so they would do something to improve the liver function by taking the bitter herbs that automatically improves the blood health. The spices- in a nutshell are coriander, cumin, and fenugreek that is an aromatic spice, Another Spice is turmeric, it’s a great blood purifier and blood invigorator. I mentioned the herbs such as Anantamul, Manjistha, and Bhringraj. Amalaki is a tonic that can also be used, so these are the primary herbs.

Tiffany - I was actually thinking about the 3 B’s (Bhumiamalaki, Bhringraj, Bhunimba ) that you mention that cleanse the liver at the source of where the Rakta is derived from.

Vaidya - They work on the root organ as well as the tissue itself so that’s a great combination.

Tiffany - Since you touch on the spices which is awesome because you know you know it is easier for us to get some of these things for grocery stores and they can add it to their daily diet. What are the types of foods that one could be consuming to help keep their Rakta in balance?

Vaidya - Ayurveda says that herbs and pot- herbs that are greener in colour like cilantro,spinach, kale, and arugula, these types of dark greens ayurveda recommends that life greens can promote richness of the blood, also millet seeds are great for promoting blood. Millet, especially the finger millet or the black one is rich with iron and we can use that for day to day nutrition. Some of the seeds such as sesame seeds, hemp seeds, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds have a good quantity of blood supportive substances in them. Apart from that, root vegetables  in Ayurveda such as beetroot, carrots, or anything that’s going under the ground is a good source of supplementation to the blood function. The commonly available fresh herbs such as aloevera, hibiscus are a good source for blood and blood Constitution. Hibiscus tea, and aloevera gel,aloe vera  juice can also be taken to support the formation and maintenance of healthy configuration of the Rakta or the blood tissue. In addition to all of these there are some specific substances that Ayurveda suggests like grapes, dates, and pomegranates are also a great source of blood formation. Especially for our listeners -anything nutritional substance that is strongly red in colour, can in support the blood so because of the similarity in their appearance. This is a way to look into what can support our blood.

Tiffany - That makes sense and also for the listeners to be aware that if they do too much that can be harmful too, for a instance if you are consuming tomatoes in the summer could raise your Rakta.

Vaidya - You are right, like I want to build as much blood as possible. It is not a good thing., it is also true that they are not just eating but also moving and keeping the body very active like as much as the blood can flow in the body efficiently and quickly. It always makes the blood abundant, healthy and potent. The blood becomes potent when you activate it by being physically active and that’s one thing that we need to put across to all our listeners- mind can be a boon or a foe to the blood because if the mind active it can also exhaust the blood so people who have long-term issues like thinking too much or involved in too many mental activities they can deplete the blood so resting your mind and keeping it in a calm zone or deep sleep is essential for keeping the blood under a healthy state.

Tiffany - It was actually my next question with other daily habits or lifestyle changes that one should include to help their Rakta circulate properly, and even breathing techniques?

Vaidya - As much as you bring more prana by supporting healthy and deep breathing, it definitely increases the vitality of the blood itself.

Tiffany - This leads me to my last question, are there any therapies or panchakarma that can one be undertaken in terms of detoxifying the blood or just to reset themselves and how? 

Vaidya - So the procedure that are recommended in Ayurveda is to make the blood to flow efficiently. Regular self oil massage is one of the ways to ensure that the blood is properly spreading, distributing, and reversing itself into the blood. Both the actions are important and moving from the heart towards the tissues and from the tissues towards the heart both these movements can be encouraged by massaging on a daily basis. Also not suppressing the urges is important for blood to be healthy. As a lifestyle some people, if they have something important they can stop the urge to urinate. Ayurveda says if you suppress your natural urges it can easily impact the blood in a negative way. You should not suppress the natural urges as a lifestyle to be followed. These are the things that we want to remind our listeners- even though these look like they are not involved with the blood at all but suppression of natural urges is a big issue in the people who have blood diseases and without knowing that they may be causing it.

Tiffany -  That can create blockages and a whole lot of different issues. Since you know Rakta moksha is one of the PanchaKarmas. Can you expand on it in a brief way as to how it is beneficial to cleanse the Rakta? 

Vaidya - Absolutely so in the beginning as I was explaining to our listeners about the surgical speciality believing that if the blood is purified the body heals faster and if the blood is toxic the body can suffer from Deeper Dhatu diseases. keeping the same context here when we take in an example of what is happening in terms of how the blood is so important to be kept clean so Sushruta is the father of surgery and the writer of Sushruta textbooks such as Sushruta Samhita. It says that amongst the cleansing procedures bloodletting needs to be included. He believes that bloodletting by different methodologies can be beneficial for healing wounds quickly and the organs quickly as well. bring in new blood to the area where it is stagnant so the procedures are extensively explained in Ayurvedic textbooks. Procedures like using either non-painful leeches, leaching the blood out or puncturing the small veins and then draining the blood out or using small needles to puncture and drain the blood out. a lot of procedure have been documented in the classical textbooks where the blood is mixing with the Doshas and ready to create a disease or has already created a disease the herb cannot reach this place but what you can do is puncture it to draw out all the blood and the associated Doshas so that the person can heal faster. This is one of the things that we see in the classical textbooks of Ayurveda. Especially in the surgical textbooks bloodletting is seen as a detoxification for blood.

Tiffany - One should know that it’s not really practised in the US.

Vaidya - Interestingly Tiffany there in Chinese medicine under acupuncture they have a method called puncture to bleed and they have these specific needles called as plum blossom needles, that means they have seven needles together. They quickly puncture many superficial capillaries) small openings and allow the blood to come out. that is considered to be a method of bloodletting.

Tiffany - That is really interesting, that's acceptable here  and that’s like a nice alternative to be administered by someone trained to ensure it is administered properly. That concludes our 2nd segment of the 7 tissues of the body and I want to thank Vaidya Jay, for again sharing your plethora of wisdom with us and touching on this awesome subject. Next  time we will cover the 3rd Dhatu and have you again touch on that.  So thank you listeners and thank you Vaidya Jay.

Vaidya -  Thank you so much Tiffany. I am looking forward to the 3rd Dhatu that is the muscle. Everyone will be intrigued to learn about the muscle tissue and how to build it. I’m looking forward to it. Thank you so much for taking this time and talking through the concepts of Dhatus to our listeners. Thank you everyone. We at Athreya want you to be healthy, happy and thrive in your life.


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